An internal memo for the higher-ups of the company Gruppen Tanhauss. The colony of Noir was struck by a sprawling and long-lasting tragedy not...
We have a caller from Sargasso's Witchwood. Hello, you're on the line. CALLER #1: Hi there - yes, I was considering summoning and adopting a...
[IMG] NEWS~ASTRO~RADIO ♫~News for a Song~♫ Good afternoon! My name is Dexter Marlin, and we have a treat for you! The other day during break,...
Galacta Candy, Factory Grounds A pair of Seiren's MBFs had started investigating the truck, hopping on each other's shoulders to reach the door...
Jirou, assuming you're alive when you read this, I just woke up and saw what happened in Noir. In short, are you alright? What the hell's going on...
Acala Communications Service Acala, Up Close! Experts and Scholars from Horrigan University of Albion have been called to the scene of a bizarre...
Featherwell, Galacta Candy Factory Between the tear gas Seiren's dogs were launching and the pepperball rounds Breyja was attacking the throng...
Featherwell, Galacta Candy Factory, Grounds Seiren watched the dogs of war get to work while the help was on its way. A pup levelled a weapon with...
Because we can can can! Because we can can can can can can can can can! ♫ Fatboy Slim - Because We Can ♫ Sargasso, Featherwell, Panda Candy...
55 Midway Beach, Mano A Mano (And Gigante) Late at Night, Overcast and chilly Some Time Later... ♫ death's dynamic shroud.wmv - F∞...
With the current mission looking pretty close to wrapping up, I'll be getting the intro for the next mission posted up some time this week.
55 Midway Beach, Cleaning Things Up Late at Night, Overcast and chilly The turn of events which lead to Luca scrubbing green splatters off the...
Here's a link to the Val'ta's OOC thread.
55 Midway Beach, The Warehouse Something in the back of Luca's head was vaguely insulted that whoever sent these things were sending what he...
55 Midway Beach, The Warehouse Looking up, Luca and Breyja saw what appeared to be a SWAT team of some sort - dressed in dark colours broken up by...
With the Lorath now here, and a better idea of what's going on after talking to @DocTomoe and bouncing ideas around with others, I've figured out...
55 Midway Beach, The Warehouse "Sure, if nothing else we get free candy," Luca nodded at Seiren's suggestion to check their place out. If nothing...
Dripton, 55 Midway Beach, Interior Evening, light showers, balmy weather Looking about and taking in the sights, being around Yttrium for long...
Hi everyone, I'm thinking of getting the next mission started soon, as the first members of the Phoenix Team settle into 55 Midway Beach. We might...
The Hero's Armaments, Getting a Move On "55, Midway Beach, Dripton," Luca repeated for everyone present, "just follow Breyja, Snuffles, and I on...
Separate names with a comma.