Brigg's Gaming Parlour, Ground Floor, Pachinko Machines The two new arrivals were quick to scoot away from Breyja's submachinegun fire, while the...
The Sargasso Map has received an expansion! It is now nearly 1600 square kilometres of wilderness and metropolitan area to explore!
Brigg's Gaming Parlour, Ground Floor, Pachinko Machines Snuffles' grenade landed in the third row, where deluge of bubbly, soapy water exploded...
So I've had an idea bopping around my head for a bit for a way to portray a commonplace Alien language in the setting, for things like art or...
Central View, Bay Grove, The Alley near Brigg's Gaming Parlour "Okay, count of three." Luca announced, stepping back and eyeing the space just...
I'm interested. Here, we have a known quantity. Can he get a contract? His...
An internal memo for the higher-ups of the company Gruppen Tanhauss. Rebuilding has gone swimmingly, as a Unity Protocol trade agreement with the...
Central View, Bay Grove, The Alley near Brigg's Gaming Parlour After Ravnir, Snuffles, Rumia and Breyja had come through the portal without...
[IMG] NEWS~ASTRO~RADIO ♫~News for a Song~♫ Good afternoon, my name is Dexter Marlin, coming to you from the Sargasso City Hall, where...
Southern Palms, Witchwood, A Circle in the Meadow Trading some back and forth with Rumia, Luca "I'm only a spectator to revving magic, and from...
The video recording started with a completely black screen, with a recording dot blinking in one corner. "Is this thing on?" A middle aged man's...
Sargasso, Southern Palms, Witchwood, Overturned Limousine Watching the splinters and chunks of wood fly into the air and come apart at a distance...
Sargasso, Southern Palms, Witchwood, Overturned Limousine Feeling tremors in the ground and making her oily skin shake and jiggle, Yttrium could...
Sargasso, Barrier Island, Ferros Block Ground Level Luca was expecting Snuffles to arrive first, and he gave the chelti alien (and their mouthy...
I've been thinking of getting an improvement to the logo for WSO. The following are items which we have used for Logos, and seem logo-worthy in...
You got a couple of typos here and there, but the meat of the character biography is looking good. I call this character Approved - where do you...
Alrighty, first thing's first, I think the explicit depictions of Signe's private parts can be dialled back a bit. Try using innuendo, unsaucing...
Hi, I've adjusted your page to be under the Character namespace. The new link is here:
But I still believe I still believe Through the pain, And through the grief, Through the lives, Through the storms, Through the cries, And through...
Sargasso, Dripton, Johnny Longhands' Warehouse The man in Red was looking out into the street while on call with his favour to Elena getting...
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