Site Colours/Theme

Discussion in 'Site News, Announcements and Feedback' started by Luca, Jun 14, 2016.

  1. Luca

    Luca Administrator Staff Member

    I've started investigating how the Site Styles work, and I'm currently open to suggestions on how to modify the preexisting theme. I have come up with a really basic modification of the preexisting theme's palette, now choosable from the style selector on the bottom left corner of any page on the site.

    If you have any suggestions for how it should look, or perhaps other palette swaps, please share your thoughts here.

    Attached is how my interface looks for screwing with the palette. Each colour can be opened up and custom picked - ideally by using hex codes rather than screwing around with the colour picker. I'm not going to dive into how the templates can be modified just yet since that sounds a lot more nebulous.

    Attached Files:

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  2. Eistheid

    Eistheid Administrator Staff Member

    A dark palette would be nice so that the site no longer induces eye bleed.

    Unfortunately I can't seem to find any groupings of black and dark grey, or blues that come with hex codes so it might take a while...
  3. Luca

    Luca Administrator Staff Member

    When I get up in the morning I'll try my best to put together a dark theme since inverting the current theme to dark looks ugly.
  4. TheRealKai

    TheRealKai New Member

    I enjoy the current green and black theme, but I'll admit that I'm biased because green is my favorite color.
  5. Eistheid

    Eistheid Administrator Staff Member

    Could we maybe get the text colour/white on Pinched NERV to be something like #5a5a5a? Or maybe #9699a7... Perhaps as dark as #3d3f47... Just presently the text is a lot brighter than the rest. And I think that muted darker tones with less contrast would be better.

    Just muh 2 cents
  6. Osaka

    Osaka 100% ʁμИ Staff Member

    We should have lots.
  7. Eistheid

    Eistheid Administrator Staff Member

    Just an update: I've switched from pinched NERV to the Wandering Modified theme because Pinched has too much contrast between it's really bright bits and it's dark background, which is a shame because I like the blues and the black.
  8. Luca

    Luca Administrator Staff Member

    I couldn't find a redness that worked in Pinched NERV since I'm not sure which colours went where :(
  9. Osaka

    Osaka 100% ʁμИ Staff Member

    I'll take a crack at a dark theme when I get back. What's the preferred one at the moment? Pinched or modified?
  10. Luca

    Luca Administrator Staff Member

    I use Modified. Is dark, but a bit rough.
    Osaka likes this.
  11. Eistheid

    Eistheid Administrator Staff Member

    I would want to use Pinched if the contrast wasn't so high, all of the bright colours need to be darkened a lot.
  12. Osaka

    Osaka 100% ʁμИ Staff Member

    Produced a simple bg to get started with a variant of starfield. Make it green bby
  13. Eistheid

    Eistheid Administrator Staff Member

    Low contrast forum theme when?

    Edit: Seriously though, when? Using the site hurts my eyes.
  14. Osaka

    Osaka 100% ʁμИ Staff Member

  15. Luca

    Luca Administrator Staff Member

    Hats off to Eistheid for creating SteelFox. Is good, ja?
  16. Phe0n1x

    Phe0n1x New Member

    the default theme is pretty excellent. One minor problem though (can't blame you, I know XF is a pain for colors) but when you login OR fill in your registration, the font colors are the same as the background. For example, the email field text is black when selected so you can't see what you type until after you have clicked out. The same goes for the Registration form.

    EDIT: same for thread title
  17. ExperimentAlpha

    ExperimentAlpha New Member

    I like the overall layout - my only complaint is that you cannot see the text in the login box for when you are using the initial in-page login method, as it reverts to black text on a black background when you are typing in the box. A minor peeve, but I thought it worth mentioning.
  18. Eistheid

    Eistheid Administrator Staff Member

    @ExperimentAlpha Login text colour should be fixed, thanks for letting us know.
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