CHANGELOG - 2017-01-27 XenForo Updated to 1.5.12 Server package updates Server kernel updates & reboot Docker images rebuilt with latest packages
Sorry for taking so long, the move plugin is now installed.
CHANGELOG - 2016-12-22 Server package updates Server kernel updates & reboot Docker images rebuilt with latest packages
CHANGELOG - 2016-10-05 XenForo Chat plugin updated to 1.24.5 Server package updates Server kernel updates & reboot Docker images rebuilt with...
CHANGELOG - 2016-08-31 XenForo updated to 1.5.10 Server package updates Server kernel updates & reboot Docker images rebuilt with latest packages...
Now that the site is finally settling down I'm going to try to do maintenance at pre-announced times, rather than my current practice of yelling...
Skool sux drop out