A long time ago I abandoned Game Maker: Studio and its second iteration. I was reaching the limits of its abilities to handle external data. This...
I'm on the highway to hell On the highway to hell Highway to hell I'm on the highway to hell And I'm going down All the way ACDC - Highway to...
So, one of the hobbies I picked up during the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 was Doom Mapping. I figured I'd spent enough time playing Doom engine...
"When beneath domes, do as the Yorkies do." Apocryphal York proverb ♫ Drakkhen (SNES) - Air Area (Night) ♫ The remaining hero and heroine of the...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah! Got an urge,...
Noir, Kingsbury, The Emperor's Castle In the moon-colony of Noir, the zeitgeist had shifted - nay struck off-kilter. Odd trends, motifs, and...
♫ Mega Man X5 - Stage Select 1 ♫ TO: PT-GroupChat FR: [ENCRYPTED] MSG: Here's the leaders of the Tanhauss contingent working at Barrier Island...
SLN Sargasso Local Networks - Local For You! SLN was a conglomerate of local Sargasso-based media and content houses, banding together to form a...
Late at night with the darkness here around me I'm drinking all alone Nothing here but my medicine to guide me Since I've been on my own Well,...
> START The rent was late, so no more Breslew family. More specifically, Rikido, Gianna and their offspring were blackballed from the only world...
The air is getting slippery and it's not to my surprise My heart, it beats irregularly and the sweat it fills my eyes I do not mind what I excrete...
The seat of power within Aleph Null had witnessed another full revolution around its star. Two hundred and seventy years of living without the...
Sargasso Public Safety Units - Class 4 Watch-And-Act Alert The following broadcast is for residents of Wayward Mall, Middleton, Flatiron's Hill...
♫ Vibrazioni Productions - Suoni Nella Notte (Sounds in the Night) ♫ Sargasso, Featherwell, Galacta Candy Luca's invitation to the candy factory...
Albion, York, Ordonlea Police Headquarters Boreal York upon Albion was an auspicious place to magic users of all stripes throughout Aleph Null and...
Beside one of York's great arcology-domes on a chilly night, a camera-drone panned around a large, coniferous tree decorated in symbols both...
Here is the news Coming to you every hour on the hour Here is the news The weather's fine but there may be a meteor shower -Electric Light...
So I've had an idea bopping around my head for a bit for a way to portray a commonplace Alien language in the setting, for things like art or...
An internal memo for the higher-ups of the company Gruppen Tanhauss. Rebuilding has gone swimmingly, as a Unity Protocol trade agreement with the...
[IMG] NEWS~ASTRO~RADIO ♫~News for a Song~♫ Good afternoon, my name is Dexter Marlin, coming to you from the Sargasso City Hall, where...